Due to the war in Sudan, we are still reeling from the material loss and currently relocating our operation to Egypt. Be patient, we'll get to updating our site as soon as we can. In the meantime please consider supporting #opredsea by donating. Thank you! Support our work
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THEOCEANROAMER combines his 360 expertise, and applies an all round winning strategy/concept to your project

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The efficient measurement of operating results and the monitoring of the development of figures allows for a rationalization and reduction of costs and quick reactions to unforeseen problems and deviations.

A range of bookkeeping data, occupancy figures and other information for the introduction of controlling provide the basis for our consulting work, and will continuously be available for analysis and evaluation.

The drawing up of a specific controlling system for the business

Introduction of cost management

Monthly evaluation of accounting data through a comparison of the budgeted versus the actual figures

Evaluation of concrete control measures for result optimization and improvement of productivity and profitability through the introduction of targeted organisational measurements

Determination of bankable figures, which are conform with the business, and drawing up of a short-term income statement, the budget and finance plan, and the cash-flow calculation

"Show you Care, Recommend and Share."


Light commercial and public service dive jobs on Air. S&R, S&S, Surveys, Maintenance of diving and boating equipment.

S & R / Salvage

Throughout more than 3 decades, of professional diving experience, and education; leads the way in emergency situations. Locating/Recovery of people or objects, in large search area's, or in difficult places is our specialty.

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Surveys & Construction

Above and underwater Jetty or Ship inspection, with video, and full reporting. Underwater mapping, environmental impact surveys. Feasibility studies. All reports, delivered to the highest, international standards. Construction, installation of floating jetties, terraces, homes.

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Marine Maintenance

Planning and management of dry dock maintenance for vessels < 75 Tons. In water repairs on small vessels, body works and ship restoration projects. Diving and Boating equipment maintenance, including dive tanks, compressors, outboard/inboard engines.

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