MAERC project relocating

It is with regret that a few days ago, we were informed that our agreement and future projects, with the Red Sea University's are canceled.
The renewed political turmoil in the country, since last October 2021, left the Red Sea University virtually without management, and most of it's colleges were closed. More recently the current governmental administration had decided to replace all key positions in universities around the country, also the Red Sea University did not escape.

This left our team with no support inside the Faculty's administration, and dissenting actors were free to act out against our projects. While we deplore this decision of the faculty, we however will keep our door always open for support, training and advice in the future.

TheOceanRoamer and his team previewed this likely development already in December, and hence took dispositions to relocate our Marine Academy & Experimental Research Centre. Our new location, is even more suitable for our invaluable work restoring biodiversity, and bringing quality marine education to the professional divers of Port Sudan. The relocation, of our facilities will take approximately 3 months before being fully operational, and continue our missions as set forth in #OPREDSEA.

The future for the people of Sudan is uncertain, the future of Sudan's Red Sea reefs and biodiversity are certain however. Unchecked this mismanagement of wealthy marine natural resources will continue leading to staggering yearly losses, due to heatwaves, poaching and other stressors. OCEANROAMERS and the International Association of Dive Professionals remain committed to supporting #OPREDSEA in order to combat biodiversity loss, and safeguard fragile species of Red Sea corals.

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