THEOCEANROAMER to start training, of the Sudan Wildlife Conservation General Administration (WCGA) Rangers

THEOCEANROAMER first implemented marine training, to the Sudan Wildlife Conservation General Administration (WCGA), Marine Parks Rangers in 2006. The program at the time was intended to ensure safety during maritime tasks, the rangers have to perform. Due to circumstances, out of our control, the program at the time was discontinued; to never be implemented again; that is until today. 

WCGA Sudan | Marine Park Rangers Training by OCEANROAMERS 2006In the years since, THEOCEANROAMER however continued development of the theoretical and practical curriculum, based on the first hand experience; gathered during his work in Sudan. The curriculum has now become an intensive 3 months course, endorsed by the Red Sea University's, faculty of Marine Sciences & Fisheries.

The 'Basic Diver Ranger Training Course' is especially developed for Marine Park Law Enforcement Authorities, who are to safely perform a variety of diving, scientific research and enforcement duties; in remote areas of the parks they patrol. It forms the basic course in the create of a park enforcement, dive team.

Whilst the total  of the rangers is upwards of 20, due to budget constrictions, the course will start first with a selection of 5 officers, pending further fundraising efforts. The course will start on the 26th of September 2021 , and will be held on the premises of the Red Sea Marine Academy, and Experimental Science Center.

This first training round, is made possible, through the sponsorship and support of SUDIA - Sudanese Development Initiative.

More information on the WCGA and the Sudan Marine Parks

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