OCEANROAMERS manages the European (BE) IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS non profit organization.
We are headquartered in Egypt's Ain Sokhna, where we are spearheading, marine conservation & sustainable development programs in the Red Sea. And overseeing the development of the MAERC project.
For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us, via our contact page.
Official Press Releases | Blogs & Vlogs

It is with regret that a few days ago, we were informed that our agreement and future projects, with the Red Sea University's are canceled.
The renewed political turmoil in the country, since last October 2021, left the Red Sea University virtually without management, and most of it's colleges were closed. More recently the current governmental administration had decided to replace all key positions in universities around the country, also the Red Sea University did not escape.

Dear Friends, colleagues, partners and loyal supporters

It is with great pleasure I announce the turning of an important page in our story.

Some of you know that #OPREDSEA is actually the embodiment, or rather physical result of work I started in 2006, while working in a tent on the shorelines of Sudan. During which time I devised both the IADP -DIVE PROFESIONALS organization, and it’s subordinate GOBLU3 (Marine Ecology) concept.

Joint Press Release:

The IADP – DIVE PROFESSIONALS (International Association of Dive Professionals | Non-Profit in Formation (EU)), Dedicated to developing support programs for professional divers worldwide. Together with its local representative OCEANROAMERS - TheOceanRoamer, are spearheading marine conservation & educational projects, in Sudan’s Red Sea.

On Thursday the 17th of February, TheOceanRoamer NAUI CD #18635 finished the last part of his NAUI Course Director requalification.
Click here to view his profile on NAUI.ORG (Under country Sudan)
The NAUI requalification seminar was entirely run online, with an e-learning portion and subsequently an online seminar.

Thanks to the kind support of his ex colleagues at NAUI Nederland, under the leadership of NAUI Area Representative JW. van Gelder.

Our Christmas present came early last year, when ex NAUI colleagues Mr. Lukas van der Staak and Mr. Rick Veldman both NAUI Trainer and Course Director respectively, announced that they would support the setup of our NAUI Courses to the OC3ANCLUB, which has as mission to provide low cost scuba education, at the Red Sea Marine Academy & Experimental Research Center.

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