OCEANROAMERS manages the European (BE) IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS non profit organization.
We are headquartered in Egypt's Ain Sokhna, where we are spearheading, marine conservation & sustainable development programs in the Red Sea. And overseeing the development of the MAERC project.
For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us, via our contact page.
Official Press Releases | Blogs & Vlogs

Blogs & Vlogs

RED ALERT: Crown of thorns starfish outbreak on the reefs of Port Sudan

Crown Of Thorns Starfish Outbreak in Port Sudan

While performing our research & monitoring work in relation to our Vault Project, in the immediate surroundings of the reefs of Port Sudan, we were horrified by the realization that we are having a COTS outbreak. COTS stands for Crown Of Thorns Starfish. The adult crown-of-thorns is a corallivorous predator that usually preys on reef

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  4004 Hits


© TheOceanRoamer - OCEANROAMERS

4004 Hits

I clean underwater, you clean above water, we clean. Cleaner waterways, for a clean Port Sudan. #OPREDSEA

Volunteers removing trash from the Port Sudan harbor

"It's not my garbage, but it's my planet!..." TheOceanRoamer In June 2021, we started cleaning the Port Sudan harbor. In the meantime we have already recovered more than 7 tons of an assortment of trash. And no end in sight yet...as we are recovering a pile up of trash amassed over decades.  I will never forget the look on some people's faces,

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  3961 Hits


© TheOceanRoamer - OCEANROAMERS

3961 Hits

GOBLU3 presentation Rotary Club - El Gouna

On the 20 th of December I presented for the second time the GO BLU3 initiative, and the BLU3 GOUNA project. The presentation was well attended with over 30 participants including our hosts of the Rotary Club of Red Sea - El Gouna. The event lasted well over 2 hours, and was nicely debated by the audience. Here's what Rotary had to say: "Tonight we

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  3115 Hits



3115 Hits


The GOBLU3 Initiative is a multifaceted socio-economic, environmental - community project developed entirely by THEOCEANROAMER, destined for the IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS network. "GOBLU3 is not just about mindless protection, writing laws and never ending complaints about governmental and non-governmental agencies. It should be clear by now after

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  3352 Hits
3352 Hits


I.A.D.P (International Association of Dive Professionals) The idea of an international quality association started germinating in 2003. At the time I had just started OCEANROAMERS, and was consulting for an airline charter company wanting to tap into the diving market. Part of my work was to visit all stakeholders in the Benelux and Red Sea region.

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3326 Hits

Twee Vandaag Documentary 2006

Expedition Leader Dr. GJ Gast and me, meeting team leaders

In 2006 I co-sponsored, and co organized the APF (African Parks Foundation), cataloging and research expedition; co-financed by the Cousteau Society. With an international team of scientists and volunteers from renowned international and local organizations. On the 3 week (580 KM) expedition, I acted as the dive officer, overviewing marine operatio

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  4578 Hits


© THEOCEANROAMER - APF - Cousteau Society

4578 Hits